The Parishes of Great Ayton & Newton under Roseberry

Vicar - Vacant

Curate - Rev'd Jon Dean

07388 010 574

Church Office Secretary - Mandy Johnson



News for the Pews

News items from our Service Sheet

PLEASE NOTE:  All news items should be sent to our Secretary in the Church Hall at no later than 5pm on the preceding Wednesday, preferably by email or in writing. These should be as concise as possible as sheet content some weeks can be ‘heavy’. Priority will be given to items relating to Christ Church and St. Oswalds's, Newton mattersthose relating to other activities can only be included if space permits.





  • Funerals 
    The Funeral Service for Bill Pye takes place in Christ Church on Tuesday 3rd December at 12.30pm.

  • Next Cafe Church will be on 8th December and will be at Great Ayton Methodist Church (because of the pantomime).  Join us for Cake, Coffee, Conversation, Worship and Wondering! 4pm for Cake, 4.30pm for informal family Worship and 5pm for Discussion and Teaching (with groups for different age groups from about two and a half).  We will be thinking about Advent (Isaiah 9.2-7). Contact Nick Land (01642 778076) for more info.
  •  Food Bank Sunday next week 90% of the food distributed by the food bank is donated by the public, which is why our donations are so important. This enables them to give each family referred a balanced and nutritious supply of food for three days.
  • Taizé Evening Prayer for Advent We will have 45 minutes of 'Peace & Tranquility' at 6 o'clock on Sunday December 15th in Christ Church, using the simple chants of the ecumenical fellowship of the Taizé community for our Evening Prayer together.  A chance to Be Still during the hectic build up to Christmas.  Do invite a friend to come along with you - all are welcome.
  • Intercessions
  • World Church Anglican Communion: Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan.

    United Kingdom Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane.

    Parish  Advent begins a new year for our Church. May we resolve this New Year to be people of hope, drawn by God into the future filled with God’s promise.

    Sick - Sally–Anne, Mary - all we remember personally

    RIP - Rita Gatenby, Colin Johnson

    Anniversary - Leslie Cumbor, Clive Griffiths, Hazel Brown, David Sheridan, Keith Mansfield, James Mortlock, Mike Turner, Sheila Dorn.

  • Christmas Flowers we have taken all the orders we can now, many thanks for your support.  Marina.

  • Display Boards We have new Display Boards in church to show who we are and what we do.  Whether you arrange flowers, clean, discuss, pray, sing or whatever, then we would like you to display your wares.  We have Sticky Hook Pads you can use to put up your display (do not use pins).  To take up this opportunity please have a word with Geoff or Frances Brown.

  • Coffee Lounge Communion Service, On Monday 2nd December we shall have our Carol Service at 2pm followed by refreshments and chat.  Everyone is welcome, especially those for whom the 9.15 service is too early!  On Christmas Eve we shall have a Communion Service at 2pm.

  • Our Online Congregation Our regular congregation includes those in Christ Church and others online who watch our services via our Christ Church Facebook page.  This outreach is important to our ministry but it does mean that, if you are in Church for our 9:15 service, you may be seen by those on Facebook.  We must assume that those in Church agree to being filmed therefore, if you are uncomfortable with this for any reason, please speak to the Welcome Team. They will be able to advise you.

  • Angrove Singers Christmas Concert takes place at Great Ayton Methodist Church Saturday 14th December 2024 at 7.30pm.  Tickets £12 adult £5 (U18/Student) from the Discovery Centre, Thompson’s Hardware or on the door.

  • Little Fishes meet at the Church at 9.45am every Tuesday during term time for preschool children and their parents/carers.

  • Geoff’s December Eco Tips - Recycle this Christmas (and beyond!) Since more waste ends up in landfill over Christmas than during the rest of the year, it’s a great time of year to review and improve your own recycling set up at home.  Different boroughs offer different recycling provisions, but you can find out exactly what you can recycle at home by entering your postcode here: 

  • It’s Panto Time!

    Bradley’s School of Dance and Musical Theatre present


    Tuesday 3rd, Wednesday 4th and Friday 6th December at 7.00pm

    Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th December at 1.30pm

    Christ Church Hall

    Tickets: £7 adults and £5 under 16's and over 60's.


    BOX OFFICE 07904 881926 & 07783 421730


    Bring a food item for Middlesbrough Foodbank and receive a free mince pie!

  • Welcome Packs Please remember that we have a welcome pack for anyone new to our village.  The Visitors Group is constantly looking for removal vans but everyone can be looking out too!  Please contact Helen Dickinson – 01642 724450 if a pack is needed.
  • Help Needed! Would you like to help serve tea and coffee after the 9.15am Service?  We would love to have you join our team.  Please have a chat with Celia to find out more.
  • Little Fishes meet at the Church at 9.45am every Tuesday during term time for preschool children and their parents/carers.
  • Bell Ringers Do you want to hear the Bells ring on Sunday Mornings?  If you are 10 years or older and would like to volunteer as part of a rota to ring the bells on Sunday mornings (and earn a bit of pocket money at Weddings) please get in touch with Elsa on 07896 626016.
  • Lights the little switches for use with keys for the lights, if you switch them off please turn them back on straight away as we are unable to get them back on.
  • Unfortunately the Aldi/TerraCycle blister pack recycling programme has been suspended (too successful, maybe?)  Thanks for participating over the past few weeks but PLEASE don't bring any more blister packs until we've found another recycling route.
  • Church Lights   The new light switches are not wired in, but work on a radio signal going to the lights. To ensure it gets there properly, and not just to one half of Church, Please give a slow deliberate press. A quick stab may just turn half the Church on at a time.
  • Christ Church Visitors – If you know any member of the congregation (past or present) who would appreciate a regular visit from a member of the group please pass details to Rosemary Wheway on Tel:  01642 722451.
  • Coffee - is usually served after our 9.15am service. We are pleased to welcome visitors and newcomers to our church and you are welcome to join us in the Coffee Lounge in the Church Hall immediately following the service. 


  • Give to the Church with your phone via our QR CodeQr code

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